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Uniform Civil Code bill to be tabled in Uttarakhand Assembly today

Uniform Civil Code bill to be tabled in Uttarakhand Assembly today

In a historic move, the Uttarakhand Assembly is set to table the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill today, signaling a significant step towards social harmony and legal uniformity in the state. The Uniform Civil Code aims to replace the existing personal laws with a common set of rules applicable to all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs. This comprehensive legislation seeks to address various aspects of personal and family matters, including marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption. The proposed bill is carefully crafted to uphold the principles of justice, equality, and individual rights, while respecting the diversity of the state.


The Preamble of the Uniform Civil Code Bill for Uttarakhand emphasizes the need for a harmonized legal framework that ensures equality, justice, and individual freedoms. It acknowledges the pluralistic nature of Indian society and the importance of respecting religious and cultural diversity while promoting a common set of civil laws to govern personal matters.

Chapter I: Preliminary

This chapter establishes the title, extent, and commencement of the proposed legislation. It defines key terms to provide clarity and coherence in the subsequent sections of the bill. The chapter also outlines the overarching objective of the UCC in fostering social cohesion and individual rights.

Chapter II: Marriage

The UCC Bill in Uttarakhand unifies the laws governing marriage, irrespective of religious affiliations. It recognizes the right to marry as a fundamental right and prohibits discrimination based on religion, caste, or gender. The chapter details the conditions for a valid marriage, including age, consent, and registration. It introduces a simplified and uniform process for solemnization and dissolution of marriages, promoting gender equality and individual autonomy.

Chapter III: Divorce

This chapter standardizes the grounds for divorce, emphasizing no-fault divorce as a progressive step towards reducing acrimony in marital dissolutions. It introduces alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation and counseling, to encourage amicable settlements. The UCC ensures fair distribution of assets and liabilities, prioritizing the welfare of children in divorce proceedings.

Chapter IV: Adoption

The Uniform Civil Code Bill promotes a uniform and non-discriminatory adoption process, irrespective of religious beliefs. It streamlines adoption procedures, ensuring the best interests of the child. The chapter addresses issues related to eligibility, consent, and post-adoption rights and responsibilities. By establishing a common adoption framework, the bill aims to expedite the adoption process and provide more children with loving homes.

Chapter V: Succession and Inheritance

This chapter unifies the laws related to succession and inheritance, ensuring equal rights for all heirs, regardless of their gender or religious background. It establishes a comprehensive and uniform system for the distribution of property, mitigating disputes and promoting a fair division of assets among legal heirs. The UCC seeks to strike a balance between individual testamentary freedom and the principles of equitable inheritance.

Chapter VI: Uniform Code for Personal Laws

The heart of the legislation, this chapter lays down the principles and guidelines for a uniform code applicable to personal laws. It underscores the importance of equality, justice, and individual liberties, while accommodating the diverse cultural and religious practices in Uttarakhand. The chapter also empowers the state to make necessary amendments and updates to the code, ensuring its relevance and adaptability over time.

Chapter VII: Enforcement and Jurisdiction

To ensure effective implementation, this chapter outlines the mechanisms for the enforcement of the Uniform Civil Code. It establishes competent courts and tribunals to adjudicate matters arising under the UCC. The chapter also provides for the enforcement of orders and judgments, emphasizing the importance of a swift and accessible legal process.

Chapter VIII: Miscellaneous Provisions

This chapter addresses various miscellaneous matters, including the power of the state government to make rules, the protection of actions taken in good faith, and the repeal of existing personal laws inconsistent with the UCC. It also incorporates provisions for awareness programs to educate the public about the implications and benefits of the new code.


The introduction of the Uniform Civil Code Bill in the Uttarakhand Assembly marks a crucial step towards legal reform and social cohesion. By presenting a comprehensive framework that balances individual rights with the diversity of cultural and religious practices, the proposed legislation seeks to create a more just and harmonious society. As lawmakers debate and deliberate on the bill, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits of a Uniform Civil Code in fostering unity, equality, and justice for all citizens of Uttarakhand.


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