There’s One ‘Helldivers 2’ Dev Named Joel Steering The Entire War...
Helldivers 2 is known for its ever-changing and dynamic solar system-wide war against bugs and bots, but there's one guy...
Helldivers 2 is known for its ever-changing and dynamic solar system-wide war against bugs and bots, but there's one guy...
Bioware's 'Destiny killer' may be gone, but oh, how its legacy lives on
MWC has produced a lot of buzz for the upcoming year’s worth of announcements from various companies. One such prospect....
After a new investigation, staff at Firesprite are claiming that the studio has suffered from a toxic workplace, even am...
The company’s head of publishing said there are ‘tangible benefits’ for in-person work
If you've been looking to pick up a set of Apple AirPods Pros, today might be a good day to pounce, as the noise-canceli...